About the Spirit of Israel
The Spirit of Israel, founded by the Jewish Agency in 1998, leads meaningful social action to reduce educational gaps, increase equality of opportunity, strengthen vulnerable population groups and empower youth and young people from Israel’s marginalized communities.
The Spirit of Israel makes a significant difference in the lives of thousands of children, youth and young adults across the country. The organization also supports programs and projects that assist other vulnerable groups such as new immigrants and Holocaust survivors, promotes women’s empowerment and engages thousands of volunteers in a wide variety of initiatives. Ours is the spirit of doing and social change!
The Spirit of Israel in every home
Leading social engagement, responsibility and activism by Israelis and Jewish communities in Israel and around the world
Strengthening Israeli society by supporting vulnerable groups from Israel's social, economic and geographical peripheries
To be a leading social action platform that encourages businesses, corporations and individuals to take on social action efforts through significant personal involvement and contributions of time, knowledge and money.